The biggest clouds are cumulonimbus, climbing up to 9.7 kilometers (6 miles) high and holding up to half a million tons of water | added by nuria |
The total amount of precipitation to fall to earth in one year is 5,000 million million tonnes | added by millie |
On 14th April, 1986 Bangladesh was hit by the biggest hail stones ever recorded - weighing in at over 1kg each - killing 92 people | added by annie |
Nearly 2,000 thunderstorm cells are estimated over the planet at any given time | added by jack |
The lowest ever recorded world temperature was at Vostok Station, Antarctica on the 21 July 1983 at a bitter -89.6°C | added by danny |
Al\'Aziziyah in Libya has the highest recorded temperature on earth at a sweltering 58°C on the 13th Sept, 1922 | added by eri |
Lightning is 5 times hotter then the surface of the sun. | added by Isaac |
The speed of a typical raindrop is 17 miles per hour | added by doug |
Oak trees are struck by lightning more than any other tree | added by Susie |
In ten minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world\'s nuclear weapons combined! | added by Susie |