In Holland's embassy in Moscow, Russia, the staff noticed that the two Siamese cats kept meowing and clawing at the walls of the building. Their owners finally investigated, thinking they would find mice. Instead, they discovered microphones hidden by Russian spies. The cats heard the microphones when they were turned on. | added by Raymond |
A cat almost never meows at another cat, mostly just humans. Cats typically will spit, purr, and hiss at other cats | added by Jack |
The claws on the cat's back paws aren't as sharp as the claws on the front paws because the claws in the back don't retract and, consequently, become worn | added by Jack |
One way a cat shows s/he trusts you is by rolling over on his/her back | added by Susana |
Domestic cats are the only cats that can hold their tails vertically while they walk. Wild cats hold theirs horizontally or between their legs | added by Gloria |
Domestic cats purr at about 26 cycles per second, the same frequency as an idling diesel engine | added by Anthony |
Cats have the largest eyes of any mammal in relation to their body size. | added by Anthony |
Cats spend 30% of their waking hours grooming themselves | added by Claire |
The average cat sleeps between 12-14 hours a day | added by Claire |